Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Line up announced for 7 December

We are pleased to announce that the plays selected for 7 December are:
Just desserts – Sue Blakesley
A sweet to finish – V Cutko
The Mary and Joseph Phenomena – Sarah Davies
Dinner – Alison Farina
Cupcakes – L Gooding
At the beginning – S Jenkin
Starter – Julia Pascal
Elephant – Natalie Savage
And so to the Main Course – C Shaw

You can see these plays on 7 December at the Horsebridge cafe, Whitstable. (Map)
The show starts at 7.30pm sharp and doors open 7pm.

There will also be a quiz with some literary prizes!

And an open mic slot on the theme of coffee and cheese for any itinerant poets! (3 poems max/5 minutes)

* We received a wide range of plays and we were impressed by the high standard. If your play was not selected for this event, don't be put off sending work for future showcases. The next show will be in March and the theme is International so put your thinking caps on!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What they said about October's She Writes...

We are getting excited about December's She Writes!

We have asked our Quiz Master to come up with some festive questions and we are choosing prizes!

Here are some comments from the audience at October's night.

'I loved some of the plays - great fun and some real talent both on stage and behind the scenes.'

'The quality of the performances was extremely high.'

'What a lot of hard work getting it all together. The actors I thought were brilliant. Congrats to them and the director.'

But don't just take my word for it...Why not come along in December and see for yourself!?